Building and protecting your brand in the digital age.

Advanced listening and monitoring in a comprehensive dashboard.
Discover a holistic view of your
brand's reputation.

Your brand’s reputation is one of its most valuable assets, influencing customer perception, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. Our brand and reputation management offering uses a myriad of public data sources to give you a comprehensive understanding of how people are perceiving your brand in real time.

Brand assessments
Reputation monitoring
Crisis management planning
Social media management
Creative services
Customer feedback systems
Digital footprint auditing
Reputation repair solutions
Employee advocacy programs
Brand management

A strategic approach to safeguarding your brand.

Effective brand and reputation management requires a strategic blend of creativity, analytics, and vigilance. Our solution pulls data from search trends, social media platforms, review sites, surveys, and more, putting real-time insights at your fingertips, so you can capitalize on positive sentiments and get in front of negative news. It also takes a forward-looking approach. Create goals for reputation improvement and track your progress against industry standards, internal benchmarks, or competitors.

Case study

Identifying quality issues earlier​.


Companies look to OneMagnify to weed through the consumer data amassed to find the most important information. An automotive manufacturer needed a way to quickly surface key themes when launching new vehicles in order to avoid safety issues and costly recalls.​


OneMagnify’s brand & reputation management insights allowed the company to quickly identify comments from ambiguous forums and drive improved interactions with customers.​


Customer interactions led to identifying a product defect. A team of engineers were able to duplicate the issue and swiftly addressed the problem many months before a costly recall would have been issued, saving millions and improving response time by 98%.​



Improvement in response time

Shore up your brand and reputation with OneMagnify.

OneMagnify will manage your brand and its critical online reputation using AI-assisted processes and techniques. Connect with us today to discuss how we can build your brand reputation further.